Monday, March 31, 2008

CareerFitter is a "hybrid" online career personality assessment showing people career direction and success From NC,USA. is committed to career tests that are designed by professionals to help an individual determine which personality profile they fit. Our test has been used by thousands of companies and millions of individuals around the world. Updates to our career research is continually pursued.

There are many types of assessments and career tests that all seem to be put under the same title of "Career Tests".

Careerfitter Career Personality Test: Is specifically designed to determine a persons work personality. We instantly process your results to determine which personality profile you fit. From this data we are able to determine which jobs you will be most satisfied with and likely succeed in. We are also able to determine a wide spectrum of your personality traits at work including strengths, weaknesses, styles, optimal environments, and other in depth characteristics of you at work.

General Personality Tests: With the exception of CareerFitter - most of the other online career tests are this type. These types of "career tests" do not focus specifically on your personality at work. They generalize your personality at both work and play. We consider these tests to be very ineffective when trying to determine a persons optimal career choices.

Powerful Links

Career Test
Success Stories

Career Research

Corporate Consulting
Employee Management

Box-134,Pisgah Forest,
NC 28768-0134

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